Experiment Klassik

Jan. 9, 2013
8 p.m.
Kölner Philharmonie

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Gustav Mahler

"Adagio" aus Sinfonie Nr. 9 D-Dur

  • Gürzenich-Orchester Köln
  • Markus Stenz Dirigent und Moderation
  • Ranga Yogeshwar Moderation

Look over a composer’s shoulder, be there when his work takes shape, figure out what makes his music so fascinating – who wouldn’t like to do that? Classical Experiment, the new concert series with Markus Stenz and science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar, opens the door to timeless works of classical music. After the tremendous success of Igor Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring last season, the two are now devoting themselves to Gustav Mahler. During the first part of the concert, the Adagio from Mahler’s Ninth Symphony, one of the most profound and touching movements in the composer’s oeuvre, will be illuminated from various perspectives, examined in detail, played and explained. There will be moving, astonishing and novel aspects to discover – and try out for yourself, since Markus Stenz and Ranga Yogeshwar will invite the audience to actively participate in their experiments. Following this introduction, the music will speak for itself, when listeners hear and experience the adagio in a concert atmosphere.

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